Heartbeat | Teen Ink


February 7, 2013
By eportteus BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
eportteus BRONZE, Plymouth, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I followed my heart through the lonely dark

Whispering trees showing me the one way

On this weary journey did I embarq

Searching and praying for the light of day

You were at the end of the copse so vast

Your sleek black hair like night holding the stars

The scars on your face told secrets of past

I could feel your unknown pain from afar

The raw fear in my heart made my bones shake

I knew I should turn from this woeful place

But leaves were moving and the light did quake

Things were changing as a breeze touched your face

Then sun shone down from your head to your feet

The truth was you were why my heart did beat

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