That Summer | Teen Ink

That Summer

February 19, 2013
By kesm95 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
kesm95 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We read to know we are not alone -CS Lewis

Our love was the soundtrack of my summer.
The time I learned to be free, to Be me.
I heard you say “love” under that tree cover.
That summer you stole my heart and the key.

That summer nothing could try to touch us.
Your eyes and laugh, they captured me swiftly.
Your love hit me with the force of a bus.
Being around you made me so giggly.

That summer you quickly blew me away.
I had those stars sparkling bright in my eyes.
Now, I look back and remember that day.
I remember all your smiles and your sighs.

We did not care who saw you steal a kiss,
That was the summer of togetherness

The author's comments:
This is about the summer that i met my boyfriend who iv been with for over two years.

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