The Siren's Sonnet | Teen Ink

The Siren's Sonnet

January 13, 2013
By NoreenMathews BRONZE, Mount Airy, Maryland
NoreenMathews BRONZE, Mount Airy, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A mystery awaits you down below;
A shimmer of scales, a flick of the tail,
Are your only warnings before the wail
Of the Sirens. The crashing waves will flow
And soon will be heard, the desperate moans
Of mermaids lying in wake. Men are frail
Before them. Numerous sailors have failed
To resist that impending heartache thrown.
Yet such unimaginable beauty
Is beholden to these maidens. Their cries
Express their longing for the shores above.
Forever trapped in the depth of the sea,
It is no wonder why they spread their lies,
Misguided songs of unrequited love.

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