Deframed | Teen Ink


November 21, 2012
By Jennifer Wright BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Jennifer Wright BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My body longs for you, embodying you.
Every tI'me you leave, I'm broken, ripping,
Turning black and blue, using skin glue
Breaking my bones while you are just laughing.
TI'me, something I cannot spare when you're here
No social life or sleep, rancorously
Your adrenaline is like cocaine, always near,
The fear you bring to me is heavenly.
Sadly, my love for you is powerful.
Your deep abuse draws me closer to you
Mentally and physically youthful
Helping me become better and new.
Ours an addicting relationship, true;
Like a drug addict, I'm a slave for you.

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