Deevolution | Teen Ink


November 15, 2012
By Leesa Quinlan BRONZE, Duluth, Georgia
Leesa Quinlan BRONZE, Duluth, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

But why then do these blue skies turn to gray
And smiles dissolve to tears and laughs to fears
Our happy days fade out and demons sway
The minds of youth. We scream but no one hears
The terror. No one sees the looks of dread
Til cobwebs spread and clamp wide lips shut tight
Erasing screams before they gain true head
And so they see our smiles but not the plight
Of children skating on the tips of blades
And dancing through the flames of reckless joy
So blinded by the light they see no shades
Of gray and play too much they break their toy.

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