Shhh… | Teen Ink


November 11, 2012
By Nina Artigas BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
Nina Artigas BRONZE, Montclair, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaves crinkle and crunch under bundled feet
Fluttering in the wind like the whipping skirts of dancers
Children skipping, leaping, frolicking in piles of autumn’s special treat
The school bells ringing, cheated tests, it was Halloween last night, and no one knew the answers.

The little dial lowers its arm, the air is getting colder
Knitting needles gently clink
Keeping cozy, the murmurs of love birds, hold me closer.
Time flies faster than you think.

Crowds gather large, proud colors on their chest, chants and shouts.
Spirit fills their heads, it’s that winning season.
The brakes of the train squeal to a halt- eager homecoming students pour out
The timer on the oven, ding! Words of thanks for every reason.

Close you eyes, pinch your nose shut, and remain still
Listen to autumn, and linger on its thrill.

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