Me Loving You | Teen Ink

Me Loving You

November 4, 2012
By Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
Cjohn BRONZE, Bowie, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Woke up this morning with you on my mind

A feeling I just cannot overcome.

You’re a such a vision, I’d hate to go blind!

From heaven above, that’s where you are from.

‘Been wanting to tell you I am for real

But the right words won’t come – it is stressful.

‘Think my love is real, it gives me such thrill

That I have found someone so beautiful.

What would I do if I don’t have your love?

It’s questions like this I try to avoid,

You got me tightening up like a glove.

I’d go to sleep, but my nights would be void!

If there’s one thing that I need you to do,

Love me, as if it was me loving you.

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