One Kind Of Love | Teen Ink

One Kind Of Love

June 15, 2012
By gabsgarcia PLATINUM, Hillsborough, New Jersey
gabsgarcia PLATINUM, Hillsborough, New Jersey
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be true to yourself

Two kids are standing under a large tree
Their hands are locked as they look into each other’s eyes
As they hear birds singing and see a bee
The pretty girl will not stop asking whys
The boy pulls her close and kisses her head
She shuts her eyes while tears run down her face
He gets her attention and go he said
She moves away from him and starts to pace
He says stop it and go off by yourself
She turns away and walks to the sunlight
He knows she is not near and he is by himself
She looks at their tree but only sees light
As she leaves him and the tree behind
She remembers how their love was entwined

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