Gone. | Teen Ink


March 6, 2012
By Lisandra Fernandez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Lisandra Fernandez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pen hits the paper as my love spills.
Into words of affection for you, dear.
Where have thy gone? Thou remember the thrills?
Running through the street, barefoot, as we cheer.
The words are on paper, yet where are you?
I miss you endlessly, more than I should.
One time you had kissed me out of the blue,
Then thou said “We are together for good”.
Waiting and waiting for you to come back.
I wasted my life longing for your love.
You were like an infection, a bad plague.
You left me to be like a mourning dove.

You have left to a place with no return,
And my heart in pain will forever burn

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