I Love You | Teen Ink

I Love You

March 8, 2011
By alycia robson GOLD, Ormond Bech, Florida
alycia robson GOLD, Ormond Bech, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Three words always said but softly spoken,
But could they possibly hold true mean?
Is it possibly feelings awoken,
Or just random emotions demeaning ?

Do they explain the gut wrenching feeling,
When you get to hold his hand or see him.
Or a spark that sends you and him reeling?
Making your soul strong no longer dim.

Are those words serious or immature,
Yet filled with strong emotions and passion?
If these worlds are spoken and your unsure,
Then add your self to the latest fashion

Make sure you are loved and always true to,
When you go to tell someone I love you.

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