Bright To Dull, Young To Old | Teen Ink

Bright To Dull, Young To Old

July 16, 2023
By Anonymous

Gold and scarlet, silver and indigo

A dove, so beautifully young and free

With much time left until it must forego

The pleasures of life, filled with so much glee. 

Viridescent green, dusky caramel

Dirt blemishing the soiled soles of one’s feet

The sun so bright, their innocent eyes tell 

Until the youthful light decides to flee.

Rosy pink broken by a woeful black

Like two racing rivers down soft creases.

Wishing for the bright skies today’s now lack

Gone with the breeze goes time, in strewed pieces.

The crown of azure on a blue jay’s head

Fades, too, in colour, dull where old time tread. 

The author's comments:

I'm not sure what motivated me to write this piece, but glancing at the window at nature, I'm reminded of how quickly time passes, how quickly children grow up, how quickly our parents age, and how quickly nature dies and is reborn again. This piece is a reminder of how short the lives we are given can be.

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