Summer's Call of the Night | Teen Ink

Summer's Call of the Night

March 24, 2023
By Anonymous

My bleak vampire, you inspire me to write.

How I hate the way you spin, Twist and turn,

Invading my mind day and through the night,

Always dreaming about the cold return.


Let me compare you to a fleek balloon?

You are more perfect, beautiful, and dark.

Peak sun heats the oblique peaches of June,

And summertime has the florescent stark.


How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.

I hate your unique hands, spirals, and eyes.

Thinking of your pique spirals fills my days.

My hate for you is the sleek exercise.


Now I must away with a benchmark heart,

Remember my bold words whilst we’re apart.

The author's comments:

anime is kool

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