A Trip Down a River | Teen Ink

A Trip Down a River

March 21, 2023
By E-Race53 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
E-Race53 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life flows as a river

always moving closer to the end.

Sometimes, however, if you are clever 

you can always make a bend.

Along the shore, landmarks appear. 

Some seen from hundreds of miles away.

Others only visible from the rear.

Never quite spotting the final bay.

The twist and turns are rough, 

but a raft with friends can be enough

to paddle up the curling current. But 

at a point, this branch of past will shut.

Each trip down the river will have some pain, 

Yet thankfully no two are the same.

The author's comments:

My piece was written during an intricate part of my life. But hopefully, it comes across. My problems will be left behind as I flow down the river.

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