Starry Sky, Rose, and I | Teen Ink

Starry Sky, Rose, and I

February 10, 2022
By Xuan PLATINUM, Charlottesville, Virginia
Xuan PLATINUM, Charlottesville, Virginia
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Sleep more, worry less.

The silhouette of you turned, the melody of your name,

I wish you countless flowers and romance.

Symbol and disintegration before the dream,

Two souls do not meet by chance.

When the whole world falls asleep,

I tend to sneak in alone late at night.

Sometimes because of diving too deep,

I almost touch the moon, but the sky turns bright.

Time shifts between the fingers of my hands,

But never find the button to replay.

Torn into pieces and drifting to the forgotten land,

Like a secret poem that flies away.

Escape on Sunset Boulevard,

My rose is above one of the unknown stars.

The author's comments:

Hello, this is Yang Yuxuan. I am a junior high school student studying in the US, currently in Virginia. I usually read some books, like photography and writing short stories. This is more like a personal experience, hope you like it!

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