I watch the sun rise | Teen Ink

I watch the sun rise

June 12, 2021
By Anonymous

I watch as the sun rises, a new day

The greenery stings my sleep-deprived eyes

Breathe in air untainted by our vices

Unlike that one time many years ago

When we were both lost in a parking lot

At nightfall, out of all the times we could

I thought that was what being traumatised was 

However, I was wrong on more than one

Point as my trauma was hidden in me

Luckily, it did not last very long

As my eye bags prove, nights are rather sleepless

And yet the rising sun has proven that 

Insecurities are not the end of 

The world as we know it, not on a stage

The author's comments:

This first poem of mine on this site is actually about how nervous I am when it comes to posting poetry, and even if it goes wrong, the Sun will still rise…how ironic.

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