Drowning | Teen Ink


February 7, 2021
By Anonymous

My feet begin to immerse in quicksand

Upon the beach of gloom I stand today.

I begin to pray for tomorrow

To come so I may finally board the ship

Of darkness, the ship of my dreams, but now

I must make my soul one with the ocean.

The serene waves caress the coarse sand

And I pray, once more, for my time to end.


I look once more at all the light around me,

But all I yearn for is the darkest part of

My sea of tranquility, filled with

Failed hopes and dreams. But now I must go,

I must leave this rough beach and dive into my

Future, a Netherland of pure nothingness.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to describe how one feels when they are ready to die. Unlike many poems that encompass death, the goal of this poem was to reference how some people view the prospect of death- peaceful rather than a burden. While this subject is dark, I wrote it to actually highlight the reality of how painful life can be, and how the idea of death can be seen as peaceful.

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