Seasons | Teen Ink


February 1, 2021
By nfguerrieri BRONZE, Newtown, Connecticut
nfguerrieri BRONZE, Newtown, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Frost seeps through the windows and onto the floor,

A chill in the air, and a blanket of snow,

Stay out for too long, and your nose will get sore,

Hot chocolate in hand, watching a show.


When spring rolls around, the snow runs away,

Branches grow back from their rot and decay,

Children can play, and birds chirp hooray,

All hope is renewed after New Year’s-day.


 School’s almost over, and not one second late,

 for students are anxious and ready to break.

 Going to beaches and vacations too,

Summer ends off with a nice barbeque.


When the leaves change their color, you wonder the reason,

But the cold always comes back, repeating the season.

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