"High School Brats" | Teen Ink

"High School Brats"

November 6, 2020
By hguillor BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
hguillor BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you were happy everyday of you life, you'd be a game show host" - Heathers
"So what if all the ducklings think you're ugly? It's because they've never seen a swan" Mean Girls The Musical
"You're making me lose IQ cells" -Weathers
"I have the self esteem of a gnat" - Weathers

Why dress up as military brats?

-Hammered with survival knowledge 

Obviously AP Bio and Stats

Will have use to us after high school and college 

Hardly any freedom or will to strive 

Hardly any time or leeway to live our  way

Hell at this point it sucks to be alive 

In a world where one of the biggest insults is gay

What credits will be shown?

What life skills have we learned? 

A basic high school diplom(a) 

That and memories are all we’ve earned

We don’t know taxes, 401ks, or how to change a tire, 

But I bet you this: through all this crap, this class will rise above the fire 

The author's comments:

My first attempt at a sonnet, it's dedicated to the MSA West c/o 2021, because we've been through a lot but stuck it out together. 

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