Sunlight | Teen Ink


June 9, 2020
By maryanne_R BRONZE, Colchester, Connecticut
maryanne_R BRONZE, Colchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I stare out my window in deep thought

I realize there is a hole in my world.

Looking for a clue, something to be sought,

A gift twisted up and packed with bows curled.

Or maybe it’s as smooth as a river,

Floating perfectly through a green valley.

Maybe it’s glowing moons in a sliver

Never being heard, nor it’s secrets seen.

The raging fires or the storming seas,

Or maybe it is the forgotten stars,

The drooping flowers and the busy bees,

Plucking the strings on these lonely guitars.

I close my eyes absorbing the sunlight,

Smiling as I realize everything is going to be alright.

The author's comments:

I wrote this from the comfort of my bedroom with the sunlight streaming through my window and my cat curled up on my lap.

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