Karma | Teen Ink


May 27, 2020
By lbaker BRONZE, Oakton, Virginia
lbaker BRONZE, Oakton, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m everything you fear, hate and ignore

I am a sweep of avenging justice 

And try as you might you can’t slam my door

I am judge and jury, so you should trust us 

Whatever you did to her, I’ll do to you

And I’ll make sure it haunts you forever

I’m just waiting for you to fall through 

And I am nothing but scheming and clever 

I’m Revenge’s vindictive, evil twin sister 

We’re both heartless and we regret nothing 

But whereas you may have just escaped her 

I’ll always give you what you had coming

Not even death can catch me, I’m too fast

I’ll give you the wounds that will always last

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by the lack of justice that I see in this world today. So many people get away with evil things and never have to pay the price, and that makes me incredibly angry. So I created this character, who is the embodiment of karma. She gives the corrupt what they have coming and delivers justice to those in need of it. I had so much fun writing her character and I learned so much about myself while doing it! Thank you so much for your consideration. 

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