A Tree's Prayer | Teen Ink

A Tree's Prayer

April 15, 2020
By Susiedailan BRONZE, Pennington, New Jersey
Susiedailan BRONZE, Pennington, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A tall shaggy tree standing made a prayer

The dancing sunlight rest on ripple shine,

Like birds the leaves perch high in air,

Who long to wind and blow without a sigh

Where over rainbow a fairyland,

And autumn sunset golden shimmering light,

Those stars are sparkling gazing far look grand,

The blossoms scatter, dreamily silent night

Of plenty fantastic things to see at far, 

The leaves would rather stay close to thee,

Our mother tree with kindness bright as star, 

None dream compare the care and love of she

Whatever thunder lightening struck by us,

No matter what shan’t perish our love thus.

The author's comments:

I am a 9th grader in the Pennington school. I wrote this sonnet for my mother. The poem is about how leaves want to go out and explore the world, but they come to their mother in the end, for their great love for their mother and don't want to leave her behind. It is a very contradictory thing that a mother wants her children to experience life but at the same time need them by her side. 

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