The Better Twin Sister | Teen Ink

The Better Twin Sister

November 22, 2019
By emilyy_ricee BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
emilyy_ricee BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Born three years a part, my big sister and I,

Look alikes now that we are older, no one could deny!

In every single way I admire my sweet sis, Britney, a true beauty queen,

With long blonde hair, sparkling green eyes, a striking girl of nineteen.

She carries herself in such an amazing way, 

It makes me cherish her each and every day!

Talk about being a leader, Co-Captain of the Carmelettes, that is one to mention,

She lead a team of high school dancers with such a positive intention.

I have the blonde hair, the size, the laughter of her it is true, 

But by comparison she has so much more through and through.

I look up to the way I can trust her with a secret or two, 

To her they are sacred and no one will ever have a clue.

She is my sounding board when I am in need of advice,

And her words of wisdom give me clarity that will always suffice!

When a friend of hers whether girl of boy hurts her deep in the heart,

She turns the other cheek and makes a fresh start.

She has a multitude of gifts even she does not know,

Her golden humility is one that makes her glow.

How blessed am I to be able to do life with her by my side, 

A sister, a therapist, a teacher who gives me so much pride.

A hero to me, Britney Alexis Rice, 

sweet and full of everything valued, special, and nice.

My duet partner on the dance floor and beyond,

My big sister with a true twin bond.

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