Youth | Teen Ink


November 19, 2019
By danayang BRONZE, Stevenson Ranch, California
danayang BRONZE, Stevenson Ranch, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths
-Drew Barrymore

I reminisce the reckless carefree days

Raced in the mud, danced in the rain, what fun!

In school I would play big roles in small plays

Did tag, hide and seek, duck duck goose, and run

Elementary was the easiest 

Lived worry free while playing games at lunch

Laughed at the jokes even cheesiest

Shoved my mouth with candy, cake, and fruit punch

Then came middle school, seventh and eighth grade 

Unbelievably different from grade school

Kids didn’t play at lunch, but sat in shade

I joined to snicker at kids who weren’t “cool”

I write this halfway through my highschool years 

I wish to go back, growth is a big fear


First grade was pure as well as innocent

There were no struggles with math nor grammar

The author's comments:

This sonnet describes how simple life used to be before highschool and how I took advantage of those lost years.

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