The Never Ending Cycle | Teen Ink

The Never Ending Cycle

October 15, 2019
By danayang BRONZE, Stevenson Ranch, California
danayang BRONZE, Stevenson Ranch, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is very interesting... in the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths
-Drew Barrymore

I sit in class waiting… daydreaming… bored. 

Should I start with notes or close my eyelids

Alas, my distraught mind can find no cure. 

An end’s nowhere in site; heaven forbid. 

The hour hand ticks, 12 minutes to ten

30 minutes of short freedom from class

I guess half an hour will suffice then 

I am hoping next class will fly by fast 

The loud bell reverberates through my ear drums 

I drag my drowsy body down the hall

Bored as well, the person next to me hums

Dismissal called, I rush through doors and fall

Finally, I arrive at my drive way 

Now I study for the rest of the day

The author's comments:

I get ready every morning for school wishing for the day to end so I can return home. However, when I do, I find myself doing the same thing I've been doing all day: studying.

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