Daily Turmoil | Teen Ink

Daily Turmoil

June 2, 2019
By PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
PoeticMan GOLD, Fort Worth, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."

- Socrates

When I get up to do my work each day,

There comes a point for me to dare proclaim:

Will this soon pay off, this mound of delay,

Or will it make my life be put to shame?

The math seems endless, O what fright it brings,

And English, why does writing give a scare?

The Spanish, O my heart aches with such things,

And lastly, science remains for good prayer.

And that excludes the thought that sports prolong,

The tiring onslaught brought about with track,

The neverending runs stretch miles long.

They kill my calves, and ouch! Was that a crack?

My parents do this to prevent my fate,

They put me through this because love has weight.

The author's comments:

“Daily Turmoil” details how, even though we may lose sight of an end goal amidst gruelling tasks, we must remember to place our trust in those who know the future rewards.

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