A Blink of an Eye | Teen Ink

A Blink of an Eye

May 15, 2019
By Anonymous

You can see the leaves turn 

The color fades in melancholy

You're feeling like a dead bark

Everyday you feel more lonely 

You're fighting to remain beautiful 

Tiny roots seem to fragile to stand

Those gret petals are destined to fall

Aging is necessary to mature

Trust yourself new petals will bloom later

Yet for a rotten rose there's no cure 

Dreading dull agaony awaits for you

Promise to conquer your demons at once

Let your colors ignite with a clear bronze 

The author's comments:

A blink of an eye, is a sonnet that relates to the whole concept of aging and maturing. The peom describes the growing process of plants, in specific a rose. It relates to the challenge that we currently encounter society of allowing outside influences to disrupt our journey of blooming and becoming an adult. 

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