CAMP | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By thenameischris BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
thenameischris BRONZE, Mesquite, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

the speech of my mind is magniloquence

ill become one, the trailblazer

my soul craves for extravagance

ill open the gate, Mr. photographer


do you see the feathers I grew?

the children say fly to colors of discontinuity

but I’ll bring forth normality’s counter view

my heart will break if not for particularity


for I the seed to the tree of art

one must see that life is artifice

for nature should not take part

look at sensibility in order to satisfice


the way the world is dressed should be revamp

for I am composed to be camp

The author's comments:

The following poem is based on the past fashion extrvaganza known as The MET Gala 2019, and the book by Susan Sontag "Notes On Camp". This is my view of how I fell about the artform and fashion of CAMP.

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