Artificial Butterflies | Teen Ink

Artificial Butterflies

May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

My momma told me that love would be grand That I would feel butterflies within me
I would this love with a touch of a hand That I would escape this reality
He makes me cry but he says “I love you” Why does he make me feel like complete sh*t He says that he wants to marry me in two It’s just tough love, he is gonna commit
Completely drained out all my love to him I gave it my all, was I not enough
He took IT from me, threw me in a bin Was I that ugly, was it all a bluff
He placed artificial butterflies Placed them in me, it was all a disguise

The author's comments:

So the story behind the poem is pretty much about a boy who uses and plays a girl. I was inspired to write this since I myself went through this. I needed a way to I guess get over it and writing this definitely helped. Thank you for taking your time to read my piece, hope you enjoyed!

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