Goodnight | Teen Ink


February 23, 2019
By ehinrichs17 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
ehinrichs17 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wait until the day concludes,

and the sun is traded with the moon,

I watch as the sapphire sky fades,

into an inky sinister black shade,

the interim overflows with a rich colorful heaven,

and as the day is drawn I count my blessings,

cotton candy clouds part to uncover,

constellations from the world of another,

the last sleepyhead collapses into a pillow,

and the orange glow is stripped from a window,

the sounds of Autumn are replaced,

with beautiful tranquility fit to contemplate,

I stayed staring into this captivating sky,

until I drowned in my thoughts and closed my eyes.

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