Food For the Soul | Teen Ink

Food For the Soul

December 27, 2018
By Anonymous

Shall I compare thee to some Chick fil a

Can be eaten whether thou is up or down

Chicken, no beef, to be seen here today

The Chick fil a can unturn a big frown

Or maybe a slice of warm pizza is good

To keep the spirits nice and high always

You can eat all different types of food

Any type can be eaten on all days

There is no reason to fight where food is

You can enjoy when you are with your friends

It is enjoyable, not a pop quiz!

With food by your side, the fun never ends

So next time you are pushed down to your feet

Remember with food you can not be beat!

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece using a random word generator. I limited the words to starting with "F" and I got Friends, Food, and Fun. This is the product.

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