An ode to Stockton | Teen Ink

An ode to Stockton

December 19, 2018
By okkceli BRONZE, Stockton, California
okkceli BRONZE, Stockton, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A place where one seeks to leave but not stay

Its very reputation low to all

They stray from here, another home their way

Oh so they wish to find, a place to call

Home, which is not here, perhaps a nice one

Somewhere else, its grass ever so green or

Its air one can breath, one can see, a son

That may receive an education, for

Everywhere but here, you will seek what is

You seek, but running away will lead not

Let those who speak think they are just, for this,

Words that do not define you, you’ll not rot

Here, the memories here will be your home

And let them always be safe as you roam

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