Sleep | Teen Ink


October 26, 2018
By JerWoj BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
JerWoj BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Why do we need sleep, and why do we grow tired?

A question science has seemed to evade,

leaving no explanation of feeling uninspired.

Sleep, in the end, appears to be an uphill crusade.


Sleep at home? Why not sleep in class?

Try not to get caught or catch a detention.

Not paying attention makes you seem like an a**,

just keep your head down and elude the teacher's attention.


Why not sleep in a stiff wooden chair?

Awake with the feeling of a cleaver lost in your spine.

Gasp at the neck and back pain, encouraging you to swear,

all you can accomplish is to stand up and whine.


Finally, home, proceed to your room feeling like crap.

All you can manage is to sprawl out in bed

three-thirty in the evening, time to take a little nap.

Your eyelids drop, covering your eyes, heavy as lead.


You begin to awake, the bed not letting you go.

Quarter to six, a few hours left for productivity.

Stiff, you begin to stretch, projecting a loud crow,

refreshed, and ready to start the evening, full of positivity.


While making little progress on homework, you begin to weep.

Tomorrow, you think, I’ll save this work for another day.

I can do it tomorrow morning after a nice refreshing night of sleep.

Fast forward, 1 a.m., binge watching Netflix; who needs sleep anyway?

The author's comments:

I am a student at Cascade Jr./Sr. Highschool. I love sleep, sleep loves me. No matter how much sleep I get, I'm always tired. I can't get enough of sleep. Sleep can't get enough of me. Sleep and I are meant to be. 

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