A Nightmare | Teen Ink

A Nightmare

October 24, 2018
By williamburke BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
williamburke BRONZE, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Smiling pretty with the dance over there;

Tall lady with high heels in the sand,

The moon shining on your blond, luscious hair.

I see your long fingers and black hand;

The odd way you turn with that evil look.

You start to pull something very odd out,

I run away with a quick grappling hook.

Most people think you have caused the long drought;

Acting so great, I watch and watch,

Run away before I am hypnotized;

Run away doing some quick hopscotch;

My location is maybe compromised.

All happy, we live in a perfect world;

It is okay now that I have uncurled.

The author's comments:

I tried to make this poem the opposite of what I had perviously done before. I had done a villanelle with romantic interest beofre this. This is my first time doing a sonnet and I really enjoyed trying it out. I hope that I can do more poetry in the future!

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