Escaping Through My Window | Teen Ink

Escaping Through My Window

December 2, 2014
By Mary Kate O'Connell BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
Mary Kate O'Connell BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I peer out of this window, and I am amazed at what I see.
I’m feeling so grand that nothing can stop me.
I hear a bird chirp and sing its song,
Its sounds enchant my body as I start to hum along.
I let my mind wander and run free,
I stare outside and I dream about what my future will be.
I release my thoughts, my secrets, into the air,
My window certainly won’t mind if I share.

Another day slowly inches by,
I get home and look out the window as I start to cry.
How could everything go oh so wrong,
When just yesterday my life was complete and strong.
My heart is aching, I can feel it breaking,
But my window doesn’t mind the fuss I’m making.
I look at the sky and I feel the rain coming down,
The grass is supposed to be greener, but today it’s brown.
Crying or laughing, happy or sad,
I know that my window will never be mad,
Built into this wall, it will always be there,
Ready to listen when I am willing to share.

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