Pick Me [the taylor swift song] | Teen Ink

Pick Me [the taylor swift song]

January 20, 2011
By Reney BRONZE, Anacortes, Washington
Reney BRONZE, Anacortes, Washington
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.” -The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Milan Kundera

Our very first meeting
Wasn't what you'd call ideal
'Cause I was with another guy
Guess I know how that made you feel

And you were in love
With that girl from your school
Can I be honest and say
She's not good enough for you

So maybe I'm little biased…. but

The soundtrack of that moment
Was a Taylor Swift song
In the background
Playing just for us
And maybe we're not perfect
But there's no perfect song
In this world
Well that's good enough

And maybe I'm biased
When I say you could do better
And hold over my head
A bright red banner
Saying "Me"
"Pick Me"

You think he's my boyfriend
The girl from school won't let you go
I'm thinking we're about to start
But instead of yes, it's a no

I'm staring at the clock
Daydreaming you will call me
And in these dreams you leave her
And run away with me

So maybe I'm little biased…. but

The soundtrack of that moment
Was a Taylor Swift song
In the background
Playing just for us
And maybe we're not perfect
But there's no perfect song
In this world
Well that's good enough

And maybe I'm biased
When I say you could do better
And hold over my head
A bright red banner
Saying "Me"
"Pick Me"

I think I'm wasting time
Hoping you'll someday wake up
And then you call me saying
"Give him up, I'm the one"

You're a little more than a little biased…

But the soundtrack of that moment
Was a Taylor Swift song
In the background
Playing just for us
And maybe we're not perfect
But there's no perfect song
In this world
Well that's good enough

And now you're a little biased
When you say I could do better
And hold over your head
That silly bright red banner
Saying "Me"
"Pick Me"

Our very first meeting
Wasn't what you'd call ideal
But we still ended up right here
Tell me how does that make you feel?

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This article has 1 comment.

RubySlippers said...
on Feb. 6 2011 at 12:20 am
RubySlippers, Canton, Michigan
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Yes!!!! I know how you feel. Sometimes, all life needs is a Taylor Swift song.