Trophy | Teen Ink


June 13, 2018
By Berrypies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
Berrypies BRONZE, Beijing, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


What is a trophy, you ask

It's joy

It's glory

It's a dream come true.

It's applause

It's "Congratulations"

It's the pure happiness running through your veins.


What is a trophy, you ask

It's sweat

It's pain

It's the weight of the world on your sholders

It's tears

It's late nights

It's feeling like you're a hopeless cause


What is a trophy, you ask

The answer is simple.

It's all of your hard work, finally paying off

It's a shake of hands, a "congratulations",

It's the look on your rival's face when they see you win,

It's feeling like you could be a million things.

And that,

my friends,

is a trophy.

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