Blind | Teen Ink


May 21, 2018
By ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
ShadowMonsterz SILVER, Lakewood, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

"Hello, how are you?"

She said.

"Let's be friends."

She smiled.

Looking into your eyes,

or what she thought were eyes, at least.

You cant see anything.

You dont want to see anything.

Reality is cruel, they tell you

and you believe it,

So you shield your eyes from this blinding light.

You shrug it off, creep into the darkness.

It never happened.

At least, not in your eyes.

They tell you,

You are lucky you are blind.

That girl you spoke to was evil,

She would have broken you to pieces,

So you believe them, and shrug it off,

cause it never happened in your eyes.

Grey is the only color you see.

Dark is the only word you like to hear.

At least in darkness you dont have to face this blinding light.

If you follow what they tell you,

The light will never reach your eyes,

and you can be happy.

"Are you ok?"

He asked you.

"Would you like me to help you?"

He reached down.

Down and down into the depths of your heart,

And the light was more blinding than ever.

You rush down into the darkness,

into the comfort of solitude,

into the comfort of sadness.

But he pulls you up.

Your blind eyes cant take this,

your retina's are being scorched,

you so desperately cover your eyes.

Until he reaches deeper and pulls off the mask you wore.

And your blindness has gone.

You realize you never really were seeing anything with your own eyes.

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