Closer | Teen Ink


May 9, 2017
By aarohitalati GOLD, Coconut Creek, Florida
aarohitalati GOLD, Coconut Creek, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Far away, the fire burned bright;
the smoke softly winding into existence
caressing the curve of her nose.
The sizzling was open, inviting,
its hands enticing her to move closer, just a little.

Closer, the fire burned brighter;
the smoke hurting, too thick,
The sparks flew wildly, blighting her eyes, her skin.
The sizzling was still calling, beckoning to her
and soon, there was nothing to tempt
but a pile of ash
sitting inside the fire, too close.

Far too close, the fire burned everlasting,
the smoke tinged with the smell of human flesh.
The sparks reached out to empty air,
and the cinders disappeared,
as it was too close now.

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