Inside On A Rainy Day | Teen Ink

Inside On A Rainy Day

January 21, 2017
By Loony.Moony BRONZE, Castroville, California
Loony.Moony BRONZE, Castroville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The fear of losing connection
To friends via mobile
To the internet
Of being isolated

The thrill in partaking in an ancient ritual
The eternal rain falls
How long has this droplet,
gliding across my bedroom window,
Been caught in the game of toss between
The ocean and the skys

The comfort in knowing and understanding
That there is too much to learn and to understand
Than can ever be comprehended.

Feeling all at once
Connected to each and every person also
The rain in the same way as you
But also
Knowing no other person knows that rain as you do
Hears the rain
Sees the rain
Smells it
Feels it
The way you do

From the comfort of home, curled up underneath a blanket
There is solace. There is fear.
There is unity. There is loneliness.

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