A loveless life | Teen Ink

A loveless life

December 26, 2016
By Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
Minxy_Studios BRONZE, Wahsington, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rose petals, drifting in the wind
Rain dancing upon my skin.

Nature’s sweet nothings for me to hear
Intimate moments drawing me near

State of being, does not exist
In euphoric dreams like this.

State of mind keeps me alive…

Truth has it we share the same blood and DNA

I’m one part you and one part him
But we are nothing in the same
I know the stories
Words told like they were rehearsed
But we are not the same

I’m cutting the line here
Throwing the memories away

I’ve grown up never knowing who you are
Well other kids exchanged happy days
I hid myself in the corner of the room
When asked to write about you
I poured some happy lies out that sounded like it was the truth
But I never knew you

I grew fearful of hands that should bestow gentle touches
Played music louder than your words could scream

They say you are family
But you are nothing to me
Because I never knew you

When I grew up, what should have been love was replaced with pain
Your harsh, bitter, judgemental words cutting deeper into my paper skin
Leaving scars not visible to eyes

Since the beginning I’ve been conditioned on family
But now my hands are shaking and my voice is straining to tell them the truth
To let them know the monster you are

Telling me I’m not good enough
But what is?
What is perfect?
I would love to know

Words hurting, cutting deeper and deeper into a wounded heart
From the dark depths I rise
Prepared to face my demise
You, you knock me down
Your empty promises and hollow words
Feeding the demons in my mind
I’m reluctant to admit…
But I fear you most when your words are coated with love
Others turn a blind eye
Not seeing through your divine lies

I hide the tears that spill down my cheeks
My cover is good, but yours seems to be better

I can’t take it much anymore
Everything has gone numb
The pain from you conditioning me to fear

Things shouldn’t be this way
For you are my mother and I your daughter

The author's comments:

This is yet another school project that I was required to do. I decided to write about someone in my life, and you find out who this someone is in my last line. 

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