Why You? | Teen Ink

Why You?

October 22, 2016
By laureen_steis GOLD, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
laureen_steis GOLD, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You steal my best "friend",
glare at me in the halls

Twisted my words were,
by you

Goodbye you
... Goodbye you

I am of no help,
You will starve yourself



Isolation sets in
Hmmm...You've lost all your "friends"

Fine by me,

Goodbye me
...Goodbye me

The author's comments:

I used to have a friend who was struggling with getting a proper diet. I tried to help her and she made it seem like I was the bad guy. Never be afraid to help someone, even if it makes you look like an enemy. If you see someone struggling with an eating disorder, report it before it escalates.

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