The Last Rumble | Teen Ink

The Last Rumble

October 18, 2016
By blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
blackink12 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time slowly ticks as I wait for field hockey practice to end,
counting minutes that feel like hours.
My stomach rumbles like distant thunder when
two loud blows of a sharp whistle signal relief.

Warm air welcomes me as I open the door to my teammates home,
and the smell of garlic bread.
As I reach for food, my stomach growls one last time.
                                                            Plates pile full with food,
The team brings their plates to the table,
to join in on laughter and crunching of bread.
The team races to dessert:
chewy brownies with a dash of white powdered sugar and
golden brown cookies dotted with sweet chocolate chips.

My stomach burns like fire from
the painful pressure that makes it hard to breath.
Pasta parties build friendships that help us to grow,
building a supportive, fun, and committed team.

The author's comments:

Poem about team pasta parties

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