Try to smile once more | Teen Ink

Try to smile once more

June 12, 2016
By TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
TheNerdOfSerendipity SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Loss is the abstraction I can not perceive
As for the cause, I was matured to it in ignorance
I know the  true foundation of the discussion is sentiment
And as to my foundation of the matter, is lax, to say the least
For my exposure is simple concept of emotion
And to speak of it does it great injustice
To speak of hunger
Listen to a man who has infrequent meals
To speak of loss
Listen to a woman in grief
To speak of war
Listen to the children in the cross hair
To speak of time
Listen to the elderly in old chairs
For regardless the manner of care of words
Does the aspect any justice if not graved into in depth understanding
The foundation of language is expression
And the foundation of art is emotion
And as I am bonded by mortal time on earth
And I lack the time to indulge in the manner in appropriate degree
So instead I say, I may not see the world you do now
Nor may I speak out of empathy in my protective world
But I wish to offer my hand and a smile to let you know
Regardless of how you may hurt right now
I can still say there is more to the world
To find once more that aspect of life of marvel
I know nothing can replace what has been lost,
but if they cared for you
They too would wish you to smile once more
You can see that eternal seclusion does the spirit poison
For only so long can we stay in such frame of mind
So take hand in hand in this world to pick you up once more
Remember that which had fell
But never falter due past for there is more to live by
And try to smile once more



The author's comments:

I wish to comfort another person by utilizing shared interest to brighten up there day.

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