Masks | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
dickinsonpoet425 GOLD, Burbank, California
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This is my letter to the world,

That never wrote to me,--
The simple news that Nature told,

With tender majesty."

I'll say yes
Yet I'll say no
I'll sprint ahead
And still run too slow

I'll wear a brave face
Like I'm putting on a show
With all my fear contained
With nowhere else to go

It festers and grows
'till I've had enough
I'll beg to let it out
But my mask is still tough

We're forced to hide our lives 
From the world's own spotlight
That picks apart our fcade
Until it comes down to the fright

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