The Lion | Teen Ink

The Lion

May 26, 2016
By LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
LHenzlik GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just feet away she spied an outsider
And tore it apart-- her ragdoll.
With no mercy
she tore her insides,
then exposed it to the wind.

An interruption.

A pant, pathetic and intense.
The pause is over, her attacks continued.
A crocodile stood up for her-- so stupid was she,
then a muted mouse gave her final opinion.
The fight was over.

She scanned the fields--

I shook my head in disapproval.
She, ignorant.
The leader left
and pushed
through the grass.

The author's comments:

this is about a typical high school girl who thinks she is above everyone else

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