Grizzly Bear | Teen Ink

Grizzly Bear

May 26, 2016
By Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the grizzly bear surveys the forest for food
He spots it what he has been looking for all day
A dead dear - his fridge

He waddles over to his fridge
And sticks his face in eating all that he can
He continues to eat until he feels like he's going to be sick
Then he finds the strength deep inside of him and eats more.

After eating he lays there for a while
Wondering what he should do next
Find a mate
Nahh he just ate
Find his next meal
Nahh he just ate

So the bear decides to take a nap
And that's what he does he takes a 10-hour nap to wake up the next morning

The author's comments:

It describes a bear as a man

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