Recipe | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
puckislife123 GOLD, Hartford, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A pack of lemonade
1 cooler
3 lbs. Of ice
1 bikini
1 pair of sunglasses
Polaroid camera
A few friends
A frisbee

Get dressed in your bikini, high-waisted shorts, and tank top
Take three pounds of ice and pour it in a cooler
Place twelve lemonades in the cooler along with fresh fruit
Load up the car and pick up your friends
With the windows down, and the music loud, drive to Pewaukee beach
Start with a tan (10 minutes on front, 10 minutes on back)
Jump in the lake when you are too hot
Play some frisbee on the beach
Can’t forget about cute pictures with a polaroid camera
When you are hungry walk over to the Chocolate Factory (I recommend the chocolate factory special for an ice-cream flavor)
Once the sun goes down, drive to Lapham
With big blankets, climb to the top of the tower and watch the stars

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