24 Tired Students | Teen Ink

24 Tired Students

May 26, 2016
By Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Cpt.Kirk SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We are the only ones who understand each other. We are the only ones who get  each other. 24 tired students with bad grades and have giving up like me. 24 who do belong here but not with them.  24 puzzled looks gazing at the teachers as they get their projects back. From room (engineering room have to look), you can hear us, but administration just looks the other way and doesn’t act on these things.
Our strength is nonexistent. We create giant and creative projects. That we submit to be graded and wait to look at it only to feel anguished and disgusted in what we see. This is how we live 2 hours of every day.
Let one forget his reason for trying, we’d all fail like a pig in a horse race, we each help each other around the room. Work, work, work, we say while the teachers are not in the room. We work.
When I am too tired and too broken down to keep working, when I am a student against two teachers, then I glance at the other students. Because there is no else who feels our pain. Four who grew despite concrete. 23 who tried and do not forget to work. 23 whose only reason to try is for survival.

The author's comments:

It's formed off the poem 4 skinny trees.

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