Two Broken Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Broken Hearts

May 27, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is the only one who saw him. He is the only one who saw her. Two broken hearts that once loved the same love and fought the same fight. Two who long to be together but aren’t together. Two lonely souls severed like Romeo and Juliet. From the outside of her bedroom door, I hear her heart throb, but young Juliet is naive and, after all, Mother knows best.

Yet, their love is irrevocable. They craved a vibrant love story far beyond the borders of this small town. They grow up and they grow old and never hungered for anything more than the way they saw one another and to never let their story go dull. This is their sole dream.


Sever their souls for being young, their old hearts still crave the vibrant love, deeply, so deeply, head over heels. Dream, dream, dream, it’s all they can do. They pray.

When they are too old and too weak to keep dreaming, when they are fraile and facing one final destination, then their dreams come true. When there is nothing left for them in this sinful world. Two who loved despite all odds. Two who see and cannot unsee. Two who’s only reason is to love and to be loved.

The author's comments:

Modeled after Sandra Cisneros's Four Skinny Trees -- a love story between Romeo and Juliet.

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