Black Nail Polish | Teen Ink

Black Nail Polish

May 17, 2016
By dash188 BRONZE, Lansing, Illinois
dash188 BRONZE, Lansing, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Black Nail Polish i wear isn't for looks

It is to express my dark void of a heart

and like a mood ring that has been in the rain to long

My polish is black cold and wet.


The Black Nail Polish I wear isn't pretty.

It doesn't match my dress or my shoes.

Nor does it glisten like mosst polishes do.

It is dark and dull like me.


Eventually it chips and breaks

like the bones inside me

staining my nails as scars stain my body.

The Black Nail Polish i wear isn't for looks

It is for the deep dark depression i feel.

The author's comments:

Personal battle with depression

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